A system





the flow of goods


Stock visibility


You don’t understand how your stock has been working; what comes in, what comes out; where are the products and carry out various
manual processes?

ExLog WMS:



Unitary:  Establishment of unit prices for products.
Product Registration:  Registration of new products in the system.
Stock registration:  Maintenance of stock integrity.

By Location:  Strategic organization of products by specific areas.
By Expiry:  Classification of items based on expiration date.
By Entry/Update Date:  Temporal control to ensure accuracy of information.

Separation by Packaging:  Strategy to optimize processes.
Batch Separation:  Efficient organization by groups.
Label Printing for Tracking:  Integrated system for logistics control.
Automated Inventory:  Stock write-off from product packaging.

Product Inventory:  Constant monitoring of stock.
Quantity of Products per Warehouse/Unit:  Detailed view of distribution.
Products Nearing Expiration:  Alert for items about to expire (FEFO).
Products that Must Leave Stock First:  Identification of priority items for exit (FIFO)

Asked Questions

How much does the solution cost?

he price of Exlog WMS is personalized, varying depending on the number of integrations, the volume of processes for each client and other factors. To get an accurate quote, we invite you to schedule a demonstration. This way, we can understand your needs and prepare a tailor-made proposal for your operation.

Is it possible to access Exlog WMS
from any location?

Yes, Exlog WMS is a completely web-based system hosted in the cloud, allowing access from anywhere with internet. Furthermore, it is compatible with different devices, such as computers, tablets and smartphones (check availability for your device). This ensures maximum flexibility and convenience to manage your processes anytime, anywhere

Why do I need Exlog WMS
in my company?

To help manage and optimize warehousing and distribution operations, playing a key role in efficiently managing inventory, moving goods and fulfilling orders. Helping you organize and deliver your company.

A system



You don’t understand how your stock has been working; what comes in, what comes out; where are the products and carry out various
manual processes?

ExLog WMS:



Unitary:  Establishment of unit prices for products.
Product Registration:  Registration of new products in the system.
Stock registration:  Maintenance of stock integrity.

By Location:  Strategic organization of products by specific areas.
By Expiry:  Classification of items based on expiration date.
By Entry/Update Date:  Temporal control to ensure accuracy of information.

Separation by Packaging:  Strategy to optimize processes.
Batch Separation:  Efficient organization by groups.
Label Printing for Tracking:  Integrated system for logistics control.
Automated Inventory:  Stock write-off from product packaging.

Product Inventory:  Constant monitoring of stock.
Quantity of Products per Warehouse/Unit:  Detailed view of distribution.
Products Nearing Expiration:  Alert for items about to expire (FEFO).
Products that Must Leave Stock First:  Identification of priority items for exit (FIFO)

Asked Questions

he price of Exlog WMS is personalized, varying depending on the number of integrations, the volume of processes for each client and other factors. To get an accurate quote, we invite you to schedule a demonstration. This way, we can understand your needs and prepare a tailor-made proposal for your operation.

Yes, Exlog WMS is a completely web-based system hosted in the cloud, allowing access from anywhere with internet. Furthermore, it is compatible with different devices, such as computers, tablets and smartphones (check availability for your device). This ensures maximum flexibility and convenience to manage your processes anytime, anywhere

To help manage and optimize warehousing and distribution operations, playing a key role in efficiently managing inventory, moving goods and fulfilling orders. Helping you organize and deliver your company.

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